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How to Move From Feeling Overwhelmed to Freedom

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2023

We all have a gory story. One that we are sometimes afraid to tell. This story is filled with overwhelm, shame, or fear. It may have been a story from your early past, a teenager, or, this story could be one you’re living right now.

This story helps shape who you are today. My job as a life coach is to help move you toward who you want to be.

Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. – Psalms 126:5

Move forward into a new story

As a client at Perspective Life Coaching, I help you move forward in creating a new story. One filled with freedom, joy, and forgiveness.

I have found it critical for clients to understand the forward-moving component of coaching. This forward movement is what distinguishes coaching from counseling.

Many of us get stuck in overwhelm when we think the answer to getting unstuck is complex and too hard. As your life coach, I help you get unstuck by creating a simple path toward achieving your goals.

I’ll ask you the tough questions you’ve been afraid to ask yourself, all the while supporting you through the process. Once you break through your barriers, joy, and freedom follow.


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You can live a fulfilled life if you know how to curated a fulfilled life. It all starts with gratitude! I've put together a FREE Gratitude Journal to help you unlock what matters most to you, find the magic in your life, and wake up every day with a confidence and purpose!