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Holely Heart, An Empty Nest and an Empty Heart

When the laundry basket isn’t overflowing and the house is quieter, it’s not just an empty nest—it can feel like an empty heart. This transition period can be challenging for many of us, as we grapple with the new silence and space that fills our homes. For years, our identities were intertwined with the hustle and bustle of raising children. Now, with the kids gone, we might find ourselves struggling to navigate this new phase of life.

I can remember crying myself to sleep many nights when my girls were no longer under my roof every night.  I kept thinking this is crazy, I know better, people will think I’ve lost my mind, what am I going to do now.  The house was quiet, the rooms were clean, I had more time on my heads but my heart, it had holes and nothing to fill either, at least that’s how I felt.  The truth is I knew what scripture said about our children and I believed it but knowing it wasn’t working for me.  This was...

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The Tears of Jesus: A Personal Journey Through Holy Week

Every year, as Holy Week unfolds, I walk familiar paths of reflection and tradition. Yet, this season, as I read through the events of Holy Week, a single moment halted me in my tracks, casting everything in a new light. It's a moment recorded in the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus, overlooking Jerusalem, weeps for the city. Though familiar, this passage hit me hard as if it was the first time my eyes had ever read it.

"And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, 'Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.'" - Luke 19:41-42

In those tears, I saw a reflection of my oversights — the times I failed to recognize the daily peace Jesus offers. His sorrow wasn't just for Jerusalem's blindness but for every heart that missed the depth of His love and sacrifice. It made me wonder, in the hustle of our lives and even in our Easter preparations of the perfect Easter outfit, dinners, egg hunts,...

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That Deliberate Turn


I pulled into the parking lot, unable to recall the drive in. An afterthought jolted me: a big yellow bus full of kids with a flashing red stop sign extended. I sped by without acknowledging its existence.

"How had I gotten here?"

That was my thought when I wheeled in on two, landing on four. As I slid into the office...autopilot, I was living on autopilot, never touching down until I crashed into the next thing head-on.

Autopilot, it's the same thing: predictable, expectant, comfortable, and dangerous. I was living in the danger zone with metal under tension, begging to touch and go, heading into another day in the twilight zone.

I sat in my car that day and re-played the event as it flashed RED through my mind. This fast-paced, auto-pilot life had to be disconnected because I had become disengaged mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

As I reflected upon the event, I realized that my life on autopilot was a close cousin to complacency, a spiritual slumber where...

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Burning Hope Podcast Series: New Beginnings

In this special episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee takes a deep dive into the overarching theme of her book, "Burning Hope." She explores the feelings of abandonment, shame, and despair, and how we can find redemption and hope through love and faith. This episode is not just about the book, but a journey of love, resilience, and personal growth. Lori shares personal stories, practical advice, and insights on moving forward in life and embracing new beginnings. Join her on this transformative journey of personal transformation.

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Burning Hope Podcast Series: Unexpected Encounters - Divine Appointments

In this special episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee takes listeners on a journey through the pages of her book, "Burning Hope." Exploring themes of love, abandonment, and personal growth, Lori shares true stories, practical advice, and the profound impact of faith on our lives. She encourages listeners to embrace unexpected encounters as opportunities for transformation, just as the woman at the well encountered Jesus and experienced a life-changing shift. Join Lori on this journey of hope, love, and redemption as she delves into the power of facing our pain and finding healing in unexpected places.

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Podcast Episode 16 Flexibility - How Far Will You Bend

podcast Nov 28, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee discusses the importance of being flexible and not making everything about oneself. She explains that being flexible means being adaptable and open to new ideas, while being rigid or self-centered can limit growth and lead to conflict.

She emphasizes that life is constantly changing, and being flexible is essential to navigate through these changes. Tune in to discover how embracing flexibility can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful life.

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Burning Hope Podcast Series: Starting Over - Joyful Comeback

In this special episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee dives deeper into her book, "Burning Hope," which explores the themes of love, resilience, and personal growth. She shares stories of feeling abandoned and how worldly pleasures can entangle us when we navigate the complexities of romance and faith. Through facing our pain and experiencing grace, we can find redemption and hope.

This episode takes listeners on a journey of love, hope, and transformation, exploring the resilience of love, strategies to conquer self-doubt, and the impact of faith on personal growth. Join Lori as she shares personal stories, inspiring anecdotes, and engages in heartfelt conversation about starting over.

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Podcast Episode 15: Out of Neutral - Get Your Rear in Gear

podcast Nov 21, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee discusses the importance of getting out of neutral and making positive changes in our lives. She shares her personal experience of feeling stuck and lacking motivation, and how she ultimately found the motivation to make a change. Lori emphasizes the need to shift out of neutral and become the person we were meant to be.

She also addresses the fear of failure and disappointment that often holds us back from trying. Tune in to this episode for inspiration and practical tips on how to "Get Your Rear in Gear" and start making positive changes in your life.

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Burning Hope Podcast Series: The Flickering Flames of Betrayal

In this special episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee takes listeners on a journey through the pages of her new book, "Burning Hope." This book explores themes of longing for love, feeling abandoned and ashamed, and finding redemption and hope through facing our pain.

Lori invites listeners to join her on a journey of love, resilience, and personal transformation as they explore the unyielding resilience of love, strategies to conquer self-doubt, and the profound impact of faith on personal growth. Get ready to be inspired and embark on a journey of true transformation.

“And in the words of Maya Angelou, she says, have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time."

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Podcast Episode 14: Road Sign Fears of "What If"

podcast Nov 14, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee delves into the captivating yet challenging world of "what if" fears. She shares her own experience with the signs of potential flooding near her home and how they symbolize the uncertainty and anxieties that can plague our minds. Lori explores the real fears and hypothetical scenarios that can paralyze us and hinder our ability to live freely. She also emphasizes Nelson Mandela's inspiring words about courage triumphing over fear.

Join Lori as she takes a closer look at "what if" fears and discusses the journey of overcoming them. Tune in to gain valuable insights and strategies for conquering your own "what if" fears.

“it's not the absence of the fear, but it's the triumph over it."

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You can live a fulfilled life if you know how to curated a fulfilled life. It all starts with gratitude! I've put together a FREE Gratitude Journal to help you unlock what matters most to you, find the magic in your life, and wake up every day with a confidence and purpose!