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Burning Hope Podcast Series: The Dance - Doubt and Despair

In this special episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee dives into the pages of her very first book. She shares a story of longing for love, feeling abandoned and ashamed, and finding redemption and hope through facing pain and experiencing grace.

While the episode focuses on the book, it also explores the themes of love, resilience, and personal growth. Listeners will be inspired by Lori's stories, practical advice, and heartfelt conversations as they embark on a journey of hope, love, and transformation.

Join Lori as she explores the unyielding resilience of love, strategies to conquer self-doubt, and the profound impact of faith on personal growth. Together, we will discover how to find clarity in the midst of life's uncertainties.

“So no matter how deep your scars are, how deep the doubt and despair may be in your life, there's always hope."


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