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Podcast Episode 9: How to Recognize an Addiction to Busyness

podcast Oct 10, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee explores the topic of being addicted to busyness. She discusses the detrimental effects of constantly being busy and wearing busyness as a badge of honor. Lori examines the reasons behind our addiction to busyness, such as the fear of missing out and the need to constantly be occupied. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs and resetting our pace to find a more unforced rhythm of life.

Tune in to discover how to overcome the addiction to busyness and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

“I wear my schedule and my busy packed agenda as a badge of honor and I don't even realize that this is perpetual motion and it's addictive and it's destructive and the addiction is just as much as any substance."

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