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Burning Hope Podcast Series: The Dance - Doubt and Despair

In this special episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee dives into the pages of her very first book. She shares a story of longing for love, feeling abandoned and ashamed, and finding redemption and hope through facing pain and experiencing grace.

While the episode focuses on the book, it also explores the themes of love, resilience, and personal growth. Listeners will be inspired by Lori's stories, practical advice, and heartfelt conversations as they embark on a journey of hope, love, and transformation.

Join Lori as she explores the unyielding resilience of love, strategies to conquer self-doubt, and the profound impact of faith on personal growth. Together, we will discover how to find clarity in the midst of life's uncertainties.

“So no matter how deep your scars are, how deep the doubt and despair may be in your life, there's always hope."


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Podcast Episode 13 - Echoes of Uncertainty - A Self-Doubt Maze

podcast Nov 07, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee discusses the topic of self-doubt and its role in the human experience. She emphasizes that self-doubt is something that affects everyone, regardless of their achievements or success.

Rather than viewing it as a flaw, Lori suggests that self-doubt can serve as a tool for self-improvement, pushing us to question our actions and reassess our paths.

However, she also acknowledges the delicate balance between allowing self-doubt to foster growth and avoiding missed opportunities due to being paralyzed by it. Lori encourages listeners to embrace self-doubt as a means to foster humility, adaptability, and personal development.

“It's time to choose to believe you are good enough."

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Podcast Episode 12: Patterns to Peace: Navigating Life's Recurring Rhythms of Grace

podcast Oct 31, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee delves into the topic of recurring patterns and how they impact our lives. She shares her own experience of discovering and addressing her recurring patterns, highlighting the importance of self-awareness, growth, and finding inner peace.

Join Lori as she explores the journey of self-discovery and offers insights on breaking free from these patterns to live a more fulfilling life.

“Remember, every moment is a chance to choose differently, to grow, and to move closer into the person that you were created to be, which is having inner peace."

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Podcast Episode 11: Redefining Life and Finding Meaning

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee discusses the importance of embracing change in life, death, and our ever-evolving selves. She explores how pivotal moments such as birth, death, near-death experiences, and brushes with mortality can catalyze profound internal transformations. Lori emphasizes the value of living and cherishing every moment, urging listeners to make meaningful changes in their lives.

However, she also acknowledges that the urgency to change often fades with time. Join Lori as she encourages listeners to embrace change and live life to the fullest.

“Don't wait for a special occasion and regularly tell them that you love them and how much they really mean to you."

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Finding Certainty During Uncertainty

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2023

” do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Gather with Grace has been the last thing on my mind the past several weeks.   In addition to COVID-19, life has presented my family with a bit of a challenge.  About the time the world pandemic occurred, my Mom developed symptoms similar to those of coronavirus.  Unsure of the illness, we all kept our distance until several days after the symptoms had subsided.  

To make a long story short, from March 13th to April 26th, Mom made several visits to the doctor and the Emergency Room for her unknown illness as well as for extreme pain in her left leg and hip.  On April 26th, she was hospitalized for acute pain and abnormal lab work. ...

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Podcast Episode 10 - The Burning Bush Within - How One Turn Can Change Your Life

podcast Oct 17, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee explores the fascinating story of Moses and the burning bush. She provides background information on Moses, from his risky beginnings to his privileged upbringing and eventual exile as a shepherd.

Lori delves into the significance of the burning bush and the word "turn" in Exodus 3:3. Through her own personal reflections and insights, she invites listeners to consider what God may be saying in their own lives through this ancient story.

“We can see God's hand in our lives, but we don't see our worth, and we can't see what God sees in us."

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5 Things You Should Never Apologize For

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2023

In a world where conformity is the norm and fitting in is prioritized, it’s important to remember that authenticity is the key to genuine happiness and fulfillment. 

Empowering oneself isn’t about being reckless or inconsiderate but about understanding the innate worth and uniqueness you bring to the table.  We wear many masks as a safety barrier between us and others. When we remove them, we expose the anonymous, mysterious, silent soul we’ve been hiding behind and reveal the truth of who we are.  Lean into the uncomfortableness of your authenticity and love who you are created to be.  With that in mind, here are five things you should never apologize for. 

1.   Being Yourself

No two people are alike, so why do we strive hard to fit into someone else’s mold?  When you try to be someone you aren’t, you will never get what you want.  The beauty of humanity lies in our differences, quirks, and peculiarity. By...

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Podcast Episode 9: How to Recognize an Addiction to Busyness

podcast Oct 10, 2023

In this episode of Get Your Rear in Gear with Lori, host Lori McAfee explores the topic of being addicted to busyness. She discusses the detrimental effects of constantly being busy and wearing busyness as a badge of honor. Lori examines the reasons behind our addiction to busyness, such as the fear of missing out and the need to constantly be occupied. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs and resetting our pace to find a more unforced rhythm of life.

Tune in to discover how to overcome the addiction to busyness and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

“I wear my schedule and my busy packed agenda as a badge of honor and I don't even realize that this is perpetual motion and it's addictive and it's destructive and the addiction is just as much as any substance."

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How to Cure Your What If's

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2023

What if I fail?

What if I get hurt in a relationship?

What if I am rejected?

The list of “what ifs” are a million miles long, so let’s shed a little light on the thought that darkness is so much of our mindset.

What if I don’t fail?

What if I don’t get hurt in a relationship?

What if I am accepted?

What if I succeed?

What and if are two harmless words with incredible power to cause harm when combined.  The power of “what if” has diminished the light within us long enough.

It’s time to flip the switch on “what if.”

Don’t get me wrong.  I struggle with this question daily, and most of my “what ifs” are on replay, hearing the negative day after day.  As you know, after hearing that silent voice scream at you for so long, the lie becomes the truth, my truth as I perceive.

When I slow down and think about my mindset, I realize an issue.  The lingering question of “what if” that...

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